We held our 2017 annual general meeting at Uley Village Hall on Saturday 21 October. Shop performance continues to improve in terms of revenue and we’ve achieved a good balance of stock buying levels and providing what shoppers want.

Our volunteers continue to do sterling work, keeping the shop open 7 days a week including bank holidays. We are organising more special events for our volunteers, adding a summer get-together, plus tasting sessions. The local wine and cheese evening was very popular, of course! And a few weeks ago one of our committee members hosted a tea party with the opportunity to sample the cakes we stock. As ever we are grateful to all of our volunteers.

We reported on our second round of Uley Community Spirit, where we provide grants to local charities. This year we gave £4328.50 to:

  • The Millennium Green
  • Prema Arts Centre
  • Uley Playing Field Trust
  • Uley Society
  • Uley Under 5s Playgroup
  • Uley Village Hall
  • Uley with Owlpen & Nympsfield PCC

Download the AGM presentation here.